Welcome back to Mythoi, my newsletter on myth, folklore, and TTRPGs, one last time in 2023! I hope you’ve been enjoying your end-of-year celebrations, whether they’re cultural, religious, or ones you and those closest to you have made for yourselves.
Mythoi began in mid-2022, making this the first full year of the newsletter’s run. Let’s talk about what’s come before, what I’ve been up to, and what’s still to come:
I. 2023 Recap!
II. Elsewhere in 2023
I had two pieces of horror flash fiction published this year, both with Nightmare Fuel magazine:
“Wait” in their ‘Don’t Let Them In’ collection.
“Summer Burning” in their ‘Campfyre’ collection.
This was a slow year for me in terms of role-playing games, in part due to the number of projects I half-completed. Hopefully more than one of those will see the light of day in 2024! I did have one free release this year, however: The Kobold, a class for Old-School Essentials.
This year I had the pleasure of contributing to Necrotic Gnome’s Dolmenwood setting. When it releases in 2024, you’ll be able to find a little bit of my work in all three of the core books! Even if I hadn’t worked on it, I’d be excited for Dolmenwood’s release—its inspiration of a folkloric Britain is right up my alley.
Quick aside:
I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that my four major games (A Family of Blades, Fey Fire, Restless Dead, and Wolf Head) are all currently discounted as part of itch.io’s Winter Sale! If you’ve interested, you can get each individually or as part of a bundle via the link below!
III. Looking Forward to 2024
I went back to university last year with the express intention of pursuing post-graduate study, so that’s kept my pretty busy this year! Luckily, that work has paid off so far, and I’ll be working on an Honours in Creative Writing in 2024. Will a PhD follow in 2025? Fingers crossed!
In between Honours, working, writing, and role-playing projects, I’ve set myself up for a busy 2024, but the plan is to release at least one issue of Mythoi every month next year. That’ll be at minimum twelve columns on myths, folklore, cryptids, urban legends, and more! If you have any specific areas of interest you’d like to see covered, let me know in the comments below or via social media.
IV. Thank You!
Let’s end more positively, however, with a thank you to everyone who’s stuck with Mythoi this last year and a half! I hope I’ve inspired some of you to incorporate folklore into your own games, or at the very least kept you entertained. If I’m lucky, perhaps you’ve even learned a thing or too!
I’ll see you all in 2024!
~ A.C. Luke
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